@article{oai:saku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000106, author = {宮内, 克代 and Miyauchi, Katsuyo}, journal = {信州短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Shinshu Junior College}, month = {}, note = {Japanese government established a new social insurance system for taking care of the elderly in 2000.Colleges and universities started to educate professional elderly care workers both for the nursing facilities and private homes. This recognizes the importance of professionalism in elderly care workers. However, the definition is not complete, and there have been few attempts to research the subject, especially in elderly care workers in private homes. The purpose of this paper is to clarify what factors affecting the professionalism in elderly care workers in private homes. A questionnaire given to 44 seminar participants was analyzed. All of them work as group leaders in companies providing care to the elderly in their homes. The results of this survey are the following five major factors affecting their professionalism: (1) knowledge of the needs and understanding of the elderly, (2) knowledge of elderly care laws and regulations, (3) knowledge of medical care for the elderly, (4) knowledge of accident prevention, (5) knowledge of physical and mental health promotion for the elderly. These results lead to the implication that professionalism in elderly care workers exists not only as the knowledge of daily elderly care but also as the knowledge of societal and physical issues.}, pages = {27--35}, title = {訪問介護を支えるサービス提供責任者の専門性を構成する要因の検討}, volume = {20}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ミヤウチ, カツヨ} }