@article{oai:saku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000123, author = {伊藤, 希久美 and 失羽田, 明美}, journal = {信州短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Shinshu Junior College}, month = {}, note = {We perform an example meeting for presenting research papers after the institution care training end of the fi nal stage in School A. We performed questioners’ survey. We performed an example meeting for presenting research papers to the trainee who announced it after this example meeting for presenting research papers enforcement in this study and what kind of impression had. I report it about the result.}, pages = {30--33}, title = {教育事例 A校における事例研究発表会実施についての一考察--事例研究発表会後のアンケート調査より}, volume = {21}, year = {2009} }