@article{oai:saku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000014, author = {田中, 高政 and 竹尾, 惠子 and 七田, 惠子 and 小山, 智史 and 羽毛田, 博美 and 鷹野, 時子 and 橘田, みち子 and Ross, Ratchneewan}, issue = {1}, journal = {佐久大学看護研究雑誌, Saku University Journal of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {看護学生の抑うつを早期に発見し介入するために、看護学生の抑うつに関連する要因(自尊感情、情緒的サポート、ストレス)について、仮説モデルを検証しその関連性を明らかにした。アセスメントツールとして、自尊感情尺度(RSE)、抑うつ尺度(CES-D)、情緒的サポート尺度(MSPSS)、ストレス尺度(PSQ)を用いた。その結果、ストレスは抑うつに関連し、自尊感情と情緒的サポートは負に関連していた。, Detection of potential depression among nursing students is crucial issue. Identifying factors aff ecting depression among nursing students will be able to help nursing educators to fi nd ways to decrease depression of nursing students. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between depression and stress and emotional support and self-esteem among nursing students in Japan. The instruments were Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale(RSE), The Center for Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale(CES-D), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support(MSPSS)and The Perceived Stress Questionnaire(PSQ). Results revealed that stress was positively related to depression, whereas emotional support and self-esteem were negatively related depression.}, pages = {3--13}, title = {抑うつと関連する要因に関する研究‐第二報:看護学生の抑うつと自尊感情・情緒的サポート・ストレスとの関係‐}, volume = {3}, year = {2011} }