@article{oai:saku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000158, author = {坂江, 千寿子 and Sakae, Chizuko and 篠原, 清夫 and Shinohara, Sugao}, issue = {1}, journal = {佐久大学看護研究雑誌, Saku University journal of nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40020443588, 本研究は、看護師が、保護室患者の退室時期を判断する際に重視している事柄は何か、また判断に影響する要因は何かを探索するための質問紙調査である。看護師577 名から4 段階尺度による回答を得て、以下のことが明らかになった。回答の中央値が3.5 以上の項目は、早期開放の必要を肯定(賛成)する項目であった。しかしその回答には、性差、職位、そして経験による差も認められた。保護室患者の時間開放をできるだけ早期から開始したいというチャレンジについては、主任や師長の回答がスタッフよりも肯定的であった。男性看護師も同様の傾向を示し、さらに「看護師が退室時期の判断主体になることへの賛否」についての中央値は、女性看護師よりも有意に高かった。「看護師が退室時期の判断主体になることについての賛否」と量的変数との関係では、日勤の看護師数という人的要因の影響の関与が示唆された。, The present study focused on the timing of release of patients from seclusion rooms, and a questionnaire survey was conducted to examine what points had been viewed as important by nurses when they had determined the timing as well as factors that had infl uenced their decisions. Nurses were administered a four-grade questionnaire, and 577 responses were obtained. The results were as follows: The averages of responses that support the necessity of early release were 3.5 or higher. There were a variety of responses depending on the gender of the respondents, their job position, and experience. Higher rates of chief and head nurses(both males and females)were in favor of eff orts to promote the early release of patients from isolation rooms, compared to other staff members. The median of responses by male nurses supporting the idea that“ nurses should primarily decide on the timing of release” was significantly higher. The idea that “nurses should primarily decide on the timing of release” was correlated with the number of nurses on the day shift-a quantitative variable associated with a personnel-related factor.}, pages = {1--13}, title = {精神科病棟の保護室患者の退室に関する看護師の認識 : 退室時期の判断に影響する要因に焦点をあてて}, volume = {7}, year = {2015}, yomi = {サカエ, チズコ and シノハラ, スガオ} }