@article{oai:saku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000221, author = {坂江, 千寿子}, issue = {1}, journal = {佐久大学看護研究雑誌, Saku University Journal of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {The present study focused on the difference of opinion between psychiatrists and nurses concerning the release of psychiatric patients from the seclusion rooms. A questionnaire survey was conducted to examine what points are the sign of patient’s recovery in seclusion rooms, and what points had been viewed as important by psychiatrists and nurses when they had determined the discharge timing, as well as factors that had influenced their decisions. They were given a questionnaire with four-answer grades, and 117 psychiatrists responses and 577 nurses responses were obtained. The results were as follows: 1. Concerning nurses and psychiatrists, 34 items were statistically diff erent by U-score by Mann-Whitney test. Higher rates of psychiatrists and nurses were in favor of efforts to promote “the early discharge of patients from isolation rooms”.2. Looking at the resolts of the factor analysis, it appears that psychiatrists and nurses gave similar points when observing patients, and determing signs of recovery. The results also showed that only nuerse supported the idea that they should decide the release date of patients. Psychiatrists did not support nurses hoping this decision. 本研究の目的は、精神科の医師と看護師の保護室患者の回復状態と退室時期の判断内容の実態を明らかにし、両者の差異を検討することである。協力が得られた対象者は医師117名、看護師562名であった。医師と看護師に同様の質問項目について4段階評定で回答を得た。順序尺度の回答を得点化して記述統計量を求め、医師と看護師の2群間の差を比較した。さらに両者の視点の差を明らかにするために、因子構造の違いを分析した。医師と看護師の回答では、81項目中の34項目に有意差を認めた(Mann-Whitney U.-test,<0.05)が、両者ともに退室のタイミングや早期退室へのチャレンジに関する項目の中央値が4.0と高く、早期の退室に関する肯定的な認識では一致していた。因子分析(主因子法、プロマックス回転)の結果、患者の回復状態の観察項目で、医師と看護師の因子名は類似していたが、退室時期の判断内容では差が認められた。また、看護師が退室時期の判断の主体者になるという質問への医師の賛意は低いことが明らかになった。}, pages = {13--23}, title = {保護室患者の回復状態と退室時期に関する精神科医師と看護師の認識}, volume = {10}, year = {2018} }