@article{oai:saku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000242, author = {上原, 明子 and 細谷, たき子 and 別所, 遊子 and 宮崎, 紀枝}, issue = {1}, journal = {佐久大学看護研究雑誌, Saku University Journal of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {目的:産後4ヵ月の母親が授乳方法を受容する要因を明らかにする。方法:4ヵ月健診に来所した母親に無記名自記式質問紙調査を行い、203名について授乳方法の受容の高低と母親の属性、子ども・母親・支援の状況との関連をロジスティック回帰分析にて検討した。結果:授乳方法の受容高群のオッズ比(95%IC)は、「(子どもの)体重増加あり」12.94(2.28-73.56)、「(子どもの)生活リズムがついてきた」5.61(1.04-30.37)、「家事と育児の両立あり」3.07(1.24-7.57)、「自分の時間と育児の両立あり」2.80(1.30-6.02)、「母乳育児が母親として望ましい」2.57(1.06-6.23)、「看護職から授乳について先の見通しの説明あり」3.11(1.26-7 51)が抽出された。考察:授乳方法の受容には、児の成長と育児を含めた母親の生活状況を受け止める支援が求められる。 Objective: This study investigated the factors associated with the feeding experiences of Japanese mothers of 4-month-old infants that affect them feeling qualifi ed at feeding their infant, regardless of how their infant feeds. Methods: The cross-sectional survey was conducted using self-reported questionnaires for mothers with 4-month-old infants at infant health check-ups held by city A in 2015. Multiple logistic regression analyses were undertaken with mothers’ infant feeding experience as the dependent variable; and demographics, infant factors(growth and development, looking satisfied after feeding, and life rhythm (sleep and feeding cycles), mother factors(self-perceived health, work-life balance, and belief in breast feeding), and support from family and nurses as independent variables. Results: The study population consisted of 203 mothers with 4-month-old infants. Odds ratios(CI)of mothers with higher recognition of qualification in infant feeding showed that they were significantly more likely to report“ the infant gaining weight” 12.9(4 2.28-73.56),“ the infant life rhythm” 5.6(1 1.04-30.37), “childbearing being compatible with housekeeping” 3.07(1.24-7.57), “childbearing being compatible with the mother’s private time” 2.8(0 1.30-6.02),“ breastfeeding is desirable as a mother” 2.57(1.06-6.23), and “nurses’ explanation about short and long prospect of infant feeding” 3.11(1.26-7.51). Discussion: It is important for nurses to explain about the prospect of infant feeding to mothers of 4-month-old infants, regardless of how they feed, by expressing infant growth and development, and support them in acquiring a work-life balance so that they can experience a sense of being qualified as a mother.}, pages = {31--39}, title = {産後4ヵ月の母親が授乳方法を受容する要因}, volume = {11}, year = {2019} }