@article{oai:saku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000271, author = {中田, 覚子 and 上原, 明子 and 竹内, 良美 and 櫻井, 綾香 and Sakurai, Ayaka and 湯本, 敦子 and Yumoto, Atsuko and 吉田, 文子}, issue = {2}, journal = {佐久大学看護研究雑誌, Saku University journal of nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は、妊婦の足型と常用靴の実態および足型と妊娠中の不快症状の関連を明らかにすることである。妊婦健康診査の受診または両親学級への参加を目的として来所した妊婦を対象に、妊娠中の不快症状や常用靴について問う自記式質問紙調査、足裏測定装置による足型測定、FOOT GAUGE及びメジャーによる足長・足幅・足囲測定を実施し、113名のデータを分析した。その結果、77.9%の妊婦が踵部分を覆う靴を、18.6%の妊婦がサンダルを常用靴としており、妊娠判明後に3㎝以上のヒールがある靴を履いている者はいないことが明らかとなった。また、49.6%の妊婦に足型異常があり、浮き趾が最も多い足型異常であること、浮き趾がある者は浮き趾がない者と比べ、足がつりやすいことが明らかとなった。今後は、妊娠に伴う腹部増大が生じる前後における足型の変化を縦断的調査し、関連要因を検討していく必要があると考える。 The study aims to clarify the relationship between the foot type of pregnant women and the actual status of regular shoe usage as well as the relationship between foot type and symptoms of discomfort during pregnancy. The procedures performed on pregnant women who visited the clinics to receive a medical examination or to participate in parenting classes are described below. Clients were provided a self-administered questionnaire that asked about the symptoms of discomfort during pregnancy, and the use of regular shoes; foot type measurements were obtained using a sole measuring device. In addition, the measurements of foot length, width, and circumference were obtained using a foot gauge. In all, data from 113 participants were analyzed. Overall 77.9% pregnant women wore shoes that covered the heel, 18.6% wore sandals as their regular shoes, and none wore shoes with heels higher than 3㎝ after learning of their pregnancy. In addition, foot type abnormalities were present in 49.6% of pregnant women, and the most common foot type abnormality was fl oating toes. Moreover, the participants with fl oating toes had leg cramps more frequently, compared with those without this abnormality. In the future, it will be necessary to assess the changes in foot type before and after increases in abdomen size with pregnancy over time, and to evaluate the related factors.}, pages = {67--75}, title = {妊婦の足型と常用靴の実態、および足型と妊娠中の不快症状との関連}, volume = {12}, year = {2020}, yomi = {サクライ, アヤカ and ユモト, アツコ} }